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Authenticall You Ebook

Ready to SHUT OUT the voices in your head holding you back?

Ready to eliminate the limiting beliefs that keep you in a comfort zone?

Purchase your copy of Authentically YOU! 

My Story

Dear Friend,


Close your eyes, imagine waking up every morning feeling fully alive! You are captivated by the opportunities presented to you and that honor your own authentic purpose. Getting out of bed feels GREAT! YOU are living the life that was designed specifically for you. Now, open your eyes - doesn’t that dream feel absolutely AH-MAZING to you?!


For years I found myself ignoring my own authentic purpose. Crippled by fear, and the overwhelming pressure to please others. I found myself ignoring my own “God-given” desires, tuning out my own intuition as if “others” somehow had a better way to relay a message to my heart faster than My Maker could.  Can you relate?


Crippled by the FEAR to make a mistake or somehow disappoint God and my family I slowly had  put Lily on a shelf and pretended that it was ok to leave my passions on the back burner. TILL that One beautiful, cold Georgia morning as I enjoyed my warm cup of coffee in my clean gorgeous kitchen, that the universe smacked me with such a strong realization of brutal honesty that caused tears to stream down my face. How many dreams have I stored away? When was the last time (if ever) that I had taken a personal inventory of my own passions and dreams - had I even put any of them into action?! THAT moment, I faced the fear that had been plaguing me for years, I armed myself with a pen and a journal, right there I  gave myself permission to rediscover my authentic self.

It is possible to remain true to our Faith, honor our value system - yet simultaneously - be free to get our groove on at the club, meet a friend at the bar for a couple of shots of Don Julio 1942… indeed these are my personal “desires”.  Surely you may have similar or drastically different desires, the fact is we all need that inventory which helps us uncover what makes YOU unique . Authentically YOU exists to help you my friend decipher and bring to the surface your own DESIRES, your PASSIONS, and your PURPOSE. Allowing YOU to operate FULLY ALIVE  in your own AUTHENTICITY. Are you ready to discover and own your God given Uniqueness?


Uniquely Yours,

Signatur Stroke


Thank you so much for what you do!! You have helped me and are continuing to help me overcome my fears and insecurities. Your authentically you class has helped me tremendously in overcoming fear of man that has been instilled in me at a very early age. I grew up Amish in a very strict religious environment. I’m the youngest of 12 children and growing up I experienced every type of abuse imaginable. I always knew I wanted out and that I wanted more but I felt trapped. So unless you’re going through your authentically class you help me break so many of those strongholds and that was just the beginning.  I feel like the best of my life is still to be lived thanks to you Lily!! I’m so excited to see what’s next. 





We will help you develop the courage to live a life true to yourself, not the life others expected of you.

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Discover the Cleansing/Healing power of WATER. Dancing in the rain may very well become your new hobby.

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Imagine that deep cleansing intake of fresh air we breathe in on a nice breezy sunny day? YOU will walk away feeling FULLY alive breathing in clean non toxic air.

Authentic Life
Authentically Yo Ebook

Ready to SHUT OUT the voices in your head holding you back?

Ready to eliminate the limiting beliefs that keep you in a comfort zone?

Purchase your copy of Authentically YOU! 



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